Thursday, March 19, 2009

Student Art Exhibition

Every year the University of Maine holds an art exhibition for any students who have taken an art class over the course of the year. This show, held at the end of the academic year, highlights the best student works from art classes. The show that will cover the 2008 - 2009 school year has begun preperations. Any students who have taken art classes over the year are elligible to apply to the show. Any students who wish to enter work should drop it off at Lord Hall on Moday the 23rd or Tuesday the 24th. Entries can be dropped off on these days between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Also, Large statues are to be left in the sculpture studio. Judgement on the artwork will be made over the days following submission and final decisions on the art work will be made sometime after. Every year this provides a great opportunity for art students to showcase their work and get an opportunity for the general public to see their work.

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